Have you been injured? Not your fault? We will help you. Just call us.
LennonLaw Offices
Lennon Law Offices
One State St.,  Suite 1500
Boston, MA 02109
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It is a fact that thousands of people die and suffer serious, permanent injuries every year from medical mistakes.  The vast majority of medical mistakes go unreported and uncompensated.  How can this be?  There are several answers to this question.

    * Almost all incidents of medical negligence are inaccurately assumed to be “unfortunate medical outcomes” instead of a provider’s clear negligence.  In other words, through the media, injured patients are wrongly led to believe that “stuff happens” and there is nothing that can be done about it.

    * The insurance giants who pay for defense lawyers have manipulated most people into thinking that there is a “medical malpractice crisis,” that there is an explosion of “frivolous lawsuits,” and that good physicians are leaving the state because of the resulting increase in malpractice insurance premiums.  Independent studies have proved that none of these baseless claims are true.  In fact, in recent years the number of medical negligence cases has decreased, jury verdicts in favor of injured patients have decreased, and there are more doctors practicing in Massachusetts than ever before.  Still, the insurance premiums go up because, through the media, the insurance behemoths have dubiously but successfully shifted the blame from themselves to injured patients and the lawyers who try to help them.

    * People want to believe that their own physician could not make a mistake, because that would mean that they themselves made a wrong decision in choosing their own physician.  Remember that it is not your fault if a health care provider injures you.

What some courageous injured patients come to realize is that physicians and other medical professionals are paid to do a job, just like everybody else.  If someone makes a mistake at their job, and that mistake causes an innocent victim to be hurt, then the negligent person must be held responsible.

Because medical negligence cases can be extremely complex, time-consuming, and even overwhelming lawyers without a medical background, not all personal injury lawyers accept these types of cases.  Here at LENNON LAW OFFICES, we have the medical expertise, the resources, and the necessary attitude to prosecute deserving medical negligence cases on behalf of injured patients.  If you or a loved one has been harmed by a medical professional, be one of the courageous few who take the step of investigating the merits of the claim.

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Medical records are complex. With Lennon Law Offices, you can be assured that they are interpreted correctly.
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